Velocity of Sound in MnF2near the Néel Temperature

The anomalous change of the velocity of sound near the Néel point was measured in MnF2 for the longitudinal waves propagating along the [110], [100], and [001] directions. The measured result did not show any dispersion. The anomaly as a function of temperature was described by the power-law formula, ΔVV0|TTN|ζ, with the critical exponent ζ equal to 0.12 for T>TN, and 0.02 for T<TN, for all these longitudinal waves. A significant anisotropy was found, however, in the magnitude of the anomalous change. These results were well explained by a theoretical treatment, by which a relative value of the derivatives of the dominant exchange interaction J2 was deduced to be |(J2z)(J2x)|=2.77, a value in good agreement with other experimental results. Finally, combining present sound-velocity data with those on attenuation, the existence of a relaxation time of 3×109 sec is suggested over the temperature range of TTN2×102°K in the paramagnetic phase, and implications of this relaxation time are discussed.