Production of vector-meson pairs in hadronic collisions

Production in hadronic collisions of 2++ Q2Q¯2 states which decay predominantly to vectormeson pairs are discussed based on a Drell-Yan-type mechanism with gluon fusion via the color vector-dominance model. The 2++ φφ resonance at 2.16 GeV produced in pp and πp collisions is interpreted as a 2++ sss¯s¯ four-quark state. The calculated mass and width of this four-quark state, its characteristic S-wave decay, and the theoretical production cross sections in pp reaction at pL=400 GeV/c and πp reaction at pL=100 GeV/c are consistent with experimental data. Estimates of the hadronic production cross sections and their longitudinal- and transverse-momentum distributions for various channels of vector-meson pairs are also presented.