Control of Viscoelasticity Using Redox Reaction

The viscoelasticity of a fluid was tuned with the Faradaic reaction of (11-ferrocenylundecyl)trimethylammonium bromide (FTMA), a “redox-switchable” surfactant. An aqueous solution of the reduced form of FTMA exhibited a remarkable viscoelasticity in the presence of sodium salicylate (NaSal) because of the formation of three-dimensional entanglement of wormlike micelles. Electrolytic oxidation of FTMA caused the viscosity of the system to dramatically decrease and the elasticity to disappear. This drastic decrease in viscoelasticity arose from the disruption of wormlike micelles. This novel electrorheological phenomenon is expected to be applicable to ink for inkjet printers, the electrochemically controlled release of substances entrapped in wormlike micelles of FTMA, and fluid flow rate control using electric signals.