La stratigraphie chalcolithique et protohistorique de la grotte de Quéroy à Chazelles (Charente)

— The cave of Le Quéroy, Chazelles, Charente, offers to us an important eneolithic and protohistoric sequence : Artenac culture with the presence of copper, a badly known phase of Ancient or Middle Bronze Age, several phases of the Duffaits Group (Bronze С and D), some fragments of Final Bronze Age II vases, several phases of the Vénat Group (На. ВЗ) with the apparition of iron metallurgy, a closed find of the end of First Iron Age, which is perhaps a funeral one, some vases of La Tène I, La Tène II and La Tène III. Several of this cultural phases were unknown in the region before. Particulary interesting are the woman decapited head hoard of the Duffaits Group, the first apparition of iron during Ha, B3, and the vases of La Tène I and La Tène II.

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