Recovery and Partial Purification of FSH and LH During the Purification of TSH from Human Pituitary Glands1

Extracts of human pituitary glands containing FSH, LH and TSH were fractionated by chromatography on CM-C. FSH was not adsorbed on CM-C at pH 5.85 in 0.005M citrate-phosphate buffer and was thus separated from LH and TSH, which are strongly bound to CM-C under these conditions. Further purification of FSH was accomplished by gel filtration on G-100 and chromatography on DEAE-C. The final product had a potency 75 times NIH-FSH-SI/mg. The TSH and LH fractions, which were bound to CM-C, were eluted with a gradient, filtered on Sephadex G-100 and then chromatographed on DEAE-C in order to separate the 2 hormones. The TSH obtained had a potency of 20 IU/mg. The LH potency was 3 times NIHLH- SI/mg, according to the OAAD assay of Parlow. (Endocrinology76: 27, 1965)