Legal Pressure and Treatment Retention in a National Sample of Long-Term Residential Programs

This study examined the association between legal pressure and treatment retention in a national sample of 2,605 clients admitted to 18 long-term residential facilities that participated in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS). Hierarchical linear models were used to assess the relationship of background factors and legal pressure with treatment participation for 90 days or longer. Two thirds of the sample entered residential treatment with moderate to high pressure from legal authorities, and they were significantly more likely than the low-pressure clients to stay 90 days or more. Moreover, the difference in retention between moderate-to-high-and low-pressure clients was even greater in programs with proportionally larger caseloads under legal surveillance. The criminal justice system (CJS) can influence treatment participation and retention, and it appears essential for the CJS and treatment programs to maintain an open and constructive relationship to maximize their potential combined impact.