Thickening of the basement membrane is one of the most striking pathologic changes seen in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The basement membrane usually consists of a very thin, well defined, homogeneous membrane lying against the under surface of the epithelium. It is often but not always present, and may occur wherever there is epithelium. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is similar throughout, consisting of a loose connective tissue lamina propria beneath pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium (fig. 1.). In the majority of specimens no basement membrane is visible, but frequently a definite hyaline-like line is present beneath the epithelium (fig. 2). Sometimes this basement membrane is considerably thickened, and occasionally enormously thickened, exceeding the thickness of the overlying epithelium, and amounting to 100 or even 150 microns (fig. 3). So far as I have been able to learn, such a change occurs nowhere else in the