Laboratory Studies of Methods for Cleansing of Eating Utensils and Evaluating Detergents

A functional test of detergents used for dishwashing is described. The method is standardized so that the only variable is the detergent. Synthetic waters containing Ca and Mg salts to yield a hardness of 20, 100, and 300 ppm. as CaCO3 are used; temps. of wash and rinse waters are maintained at 120[degree] and 160[degree]F respectively. Microscope slides are soiled with mixtures representative of those encountered on restaurant utensils. The cleaned slides are dusted with activated carbon, which, adhering, indicates the extent of residual film. A "cleansing index" is computed based on the measurement in a photoelectric colorimeter of light transmitted through this film in comparison with that through a clean control slide. 36 detergents, including proprietary products and many of the basic chemicals from which they are compounded, were studied. It is proposed to develop the test so that it may be used as a basis for classifying detergents as efficient, of limited efficiency, and as unsatisfactory.

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