Mass Distribution of the Human Body using Biostereometrics

Biostereometrics is the spatial and spatio-temporal analysis of biological form and function based on principles of analytic geometry. When applied to humans, it constitutes a modern approach to anthropometry. A suitable stereometric sensor is used to locate the three dimensional coordinates of points distributed over the body surface. The coordinates serve as input to a digital computer which is programmed to yield permutations of numerical or analog (graphical or physical) outputs as the application requires. In the present study, stereophotogrammetry was used to obtain stereometric data in the form of Cartesian coordinates of six segmented human cadavers. Density data provided by the contractor (AMRL) were then used in conjunction with the stereometric data to generate mass, volume, center of mass and principal moments of inertia about the principal axes of inertia with the aid of an IBM 360-50 digital computer. This study was undertaken to further explore the viability of computing mass distribution from biostereometric data and the best available human density values.

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