Transition energy tuning from 3.3 to 1.4 eV in the system Mx[Pt(CN)4]·mH2O

The electronic transition energies of the Mx[Pt2+(CN)4]·mH2O compounds, crystallizing in columnar structures, depend strongly on the Pt-Pt distance R in the direction of the columns. R can be varied by substituting M and/or by application of high pressure. Using three different compounds {Na2[Pt(CN)4]·3H2O, Ca[Pt(CN)4]·5H2O, Mg[Pt(CN)4]·7H2O} and applying hydrostatic pressures up to 38 kbar it is possible to adjust the emission energy continuously from 3.3 to about 1.35 eV. The pressure-induced energy shift is unusually large with values between -320 and -140cm1/kbar.