The 9 Aurigae System
- 8 April 1993
The F0 V star 9 Aur A exhibits an irregular variability of amplitude $\approx $0.1 magnitude at optical wavelengths. The variations are too slow for it to be a $\delta$ Scuti-type star. There is no evidence for a close, interacting companion or ring of dust, either from infrared, ultraviolet, or speckle data. The photometric variability of 9 Aur A is similar to two other early F dwarf stars: $\gamma$ Doradus and HD 96008. 9 Aur B appears to be an M dwarf, 9 Aur C is an early- to mid-K dwarf star, and 9 Aur E, if it is a member of the system, probably is a normal white dwarf. 9 Aur D is most likely an unrelated and distant K giant. [See note added in press regarding a fourth member of this class of ``variables without a cause", and short term variations of the radial velocity of 9 Aur.]
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