Sampling potatoes for the incidence of tuber diseases and levels of inoculum

SUMMARY: In three years, between three and six seed stocks of cv. Pentland Crown were planted in field experiments. Seed tubers, stem bases and progeny tubers from the growing crop and tubers at harvest and after storage were sampled intensively and estimates of inoculum and disease made for five principal tuber diseases: the blemishes skin spot (Polyscytalum pustulans), silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani) and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) and bacterial soft rot (Erwinia carotovora).The data were principally used to calculate sample variances after transformation of % values to logits. A variance of 0.010 was selected as giving acceptable accuracy for most purposes and to achieve such values substantial numbers of samples would have been needed. Five to ten 50‐tuber samples of seed tubers or 15–20 samples of a harvested or stored crop would have been required for assessing disease symptoms and similar numbers of samples for assessing gangrene potential by a standard damage test. The eye plug test for assessing inoculum of the three blemishing diseases used 15 or 20‐tuber samples and five such samples of seed or about ten from the growing crop would usually have been adequate. Variances were nearly always greater for black scurf assessments than for other blemishing diseases.The data also illustrated changes in inoculum and disease levels during the season and in store. Their significance for understanding the epidemiology of the diseases and for storage disease forecasting is discussed.