On the origin of the electrostatic potential difference at a liquid-vacuum interface

The microscopic origin of the interface potential calculated from computer simulations is elucidated by considering a simple model of molecules near an interface. The model posits that molecules are isotropically oriented and their charge density is Gaussian distributed. Molecules that have a charge density that is more negative toward their interior tend to give rise to a negative interface potential relative to the gaseous phase, while charge densities more positive toward their interior give rise to a positive interface potential. The interface potential for the model is compared to the interface potential computed from molecular dynamics simulations of the nonpolar vacuum-methane system and the polar vacuum-water interface system. The computed vacuum-methane interface potential from a molecular dynamics simulation (220mV) is captured with quantitative precision by the model. For the vacuum-water interface system, the model predicts a potential of 400mV compared to 510mV , calculated from a molecular dynamics simulation. The physical implications of this isotropic contribution to the interface potential is examined using the example of ion solvation in liquid methane.