Rapid Identification by Polymerase Chain Reaction of Staphylococcal Exfoliative Toxin Serotype A and B Genes

A new system was designed to detect staphylococcal exfoliative toxin A (ETA) and B (ETB) genes by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The primer pairs for the ETA gene (eta) were 20 and 20‐mer, and its PCR product was a 741‐bp eta fragment, while the primer pairs for the ETB gene (etb) were also 20 and 20‐mer, and its PCR product was a 629‐bp etb fragment. When these primers were simultaneously used in the PCR, the two types of ET were clearly detected as two bands in an ETA and ETB double‐producer using only one colony within 3 hr. We examined 66 strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients with staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and compared the results obtained by ELISA and PCR. The same results were obtained for 56 of the strains, i.e., 30 strains were ETA producers, 20 strains were ETB producers, and 6 strains were double‐producers. However, positive results were obtained for 5 of the 10 non‐ET‐producing strains. Two of these strains were judged by PCR as ETA producers and three as ETB producers. Thus, PCR is very sensitive and rapid in detecting ETA and ETB gene fragments in colonies isolated from patients with SSSS.