Measurements of particle dispersion obtained from direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence

Measurements of heavy particle dispersion have been made using direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence. The parameters affecting the dispersion of solid particles, namely particle inertia and drift due to body forces were investigated separately. In agreement with the theoretical studies of Reeks, and Pismen & Nir, the effect of particle inertia is to increase the eddy diffusivity over that of the fluid (in the absence of particle drift). The increase in the eddy diffusivity of particles over that of the fluid was between 2 and 16%, in reasonable agreement with the increases reported in Reeks, and Pismen & Nir. The effect of a deterministic particle drift is shown to decrease unequally the dispersion in directions normal and parallel to the particle drift direction. Eddy diffusivities normal and parallel to particle drift are shown to be in good agreement with the predictions of Csanady and the experimental measurements of Wells & Stock.