We study an electronic topological transition (ETT) (the transition due to change in topology of Fermi surface) that occurs in a two-dimensional electron system on a square lattice with hopping beyond nearest neighbors under a change of electronic concentration n (or of hole doping δ=1n). We show that the ETT point (δ=δc,T=0) is an exotic quantum critical point (QCP) with several aspects of criticality. The first trivial one is related to singularities in thermodynamic properties. A nontrivial and never considered aspect concerns a behavior of the electron-hole response function: the ETT point is a quantum multicritical point, the end point of the critical line (T=0,δ>δc) of static Kohn singularities. We show that the existence of this QCP results in global anomalies of the system in the presence of interaction. (We consider the interaction corresponding to the ttJ model.) The anomalies take place on one side of the ETT (δ<δc in the case of t/t<0 corresponding to the high-Tc cuprates) and have a striking similarity with the anomalies observed in the high-Tc cuprates in the underdoped regime. The most important consequence of the ETT (besides the appearance of superconducting instability of the d-wave symmetry) is the existence of the pseudocritical zone, T*(δ)δcδ, which grows from the point δ=δc on the side δ<δc. Below and around this zone the metal state is anomalous. Some anomalies are considered in the present paper and compared with experiment (NMR, neutron scattering).