Molecular cloning, characterization and expression of an elongation factor 1? gene in maize

A cDNA (zmEF1A) and the corresponding genomic clone (zmgEF1A) of a member of the gene family encoding the α subunit of translation elongation factor 1 (EF-1α) have been isolated from maize. The deduced amino acid sequence is 447 residues long interrupted by one intron. Southern blot analysis reveals that the cloned EF-1α gene is one member out of a family consisting of at least six genes. As shown by northern hybridizations in leaves the mRNA level increases at low temperature whereas time-course experiments over 24 h at 5°C show that in roots the overall mRNA level of EF-1α is transiently decreased. These results indicate that the expression of EF-1α is differently regulated in leaves and roots under cold stress.