Results of the radiotherapeutic management of carcinoma of the cervix with emphasis on the influence of histologic classification

The histology of 365 of 396 patients (92%) treated with radiation therapy at the University of Virginia from 1968 to 1978 has been reviewed. Staging and treatment policies were consistent throughout this period, and have enabled the influence of histologic classification on treatment results to be evaluated. Large cell nonkeratinizing carcinoma (LCNK) was the most common type, 69%; followed by keratinizing (KSCC), 13%; and adenocarcinoma, 6.6%. Other varieties included adenosquamous, 3.6%; small cell undifferentiated carcinoma, 2.7%; papillary squamous, 1.6%; and glassy cell, 1.4%. Overall survivals by stage were similar to those reported from other centers. When examined by histologic type, the 5-year survival rates ranged from 64% for adenosquamous to 13% for small cell. The most common varieties, LCNK and KSCC, had survival rates of 61% and 40% (P = 0.008). Considering both stage and histologic type, the differences between LCNK and KSCC persisted and were significant for Stage IIB (P = 0.023). Of particular interest are the poor results in small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, except in the earliest stages, and the good results for adenosquamous carcinoma. The patterns of failure by histologic type showed that local failures were higher in cases of KSCC than in LCNK, indicating a probable difference in radiosensitivity. Distant spread was similar for both types. Both small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma showed high rates of distant spread and local failure except in the early stages. Considering survival and failure rates, three prognostic groups could be identified. In descending order of curability these were: 1( LCNK and adenosquamous carcinoma; 2) KSCC, papillary squamous carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma; and 3) small cell carcinoma and glassy cell carcinoma.