Metastatic Carotid Body Tumor

CAROTID BODY TUMORS are an uncommon neoplasm and have generally been considered to be benign or only locally invasive. However, the literature now contains 25 cases with metastases to regional lymph nodes or to distant sites proven by pathological examination. We wish to report a case of carotid body tumor showing multiple verified lung metastases. Knowledge of the natural history of this tumor has made it possible to predict a prolonged survival. Report of a Case A 43-year-old female was admitted to another Boston hospital in May, 1953, for surgical excision of a carotid body tumor which had been increasing slowly in size for 10 years. At operation, a tumor (6 cm in diameter) was found densely involving the bifurcation of the right common carotid artery. The common carotid and internal carotid arteries had to be ligated and divided. The external carotid artery was buried in tumor and was not