Combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency with normal protein C and protein C inhibitor. A family study

Combined deficiency of factor V and factor VIII, a rare bleeding disorder, is reported in a Syrian family. 2 siblings, 10 and 6 yr old are affected. They had mild bleeding manifestations. Their prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time were prolonged, but thrombin time was normal. Both had low levels of factor V, (6% and 7%), factor VIII, (both 10%) factor VCAg (both 6%) and factor VIII CAg, (6% and 4%). All members of this family had normal levels of factor VIIIR:Ag, protein C, antigen and protein C inhibitor. The normal levels of protein C and protein C inhibitor in the 2 affected family members indicate that the combined deficiency of factors V and VIII has nothing to do with protein C. This contrasts with previous reports that deficiency of protein C inhibitor is the cause of combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency. The probable mode of inheritance of this defect is discussed.