Establishment and Characterization of Seven Continuous Cell Lines from Freshwater Fish

Seven continuous cell lines were established from salmonid and nonsalmonid fishes. Salmonid cell lines derived from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and chum salmon O. keta were designated RTE and RTE-2 (rainbow trout embryo), RTT (rainbow trout tail), and SEH (“sake” or chum salmon embryo head). Nonsalmonid cell lines derived from pond smelt Hypomesus olidus, chevron snakehead Channa striata, and goldfish Carassius auratus were designated WF-1 (“wakasagi” fin), SHH (snakehead heart), and EPG (epithelioma papulosum of goldfish), respectively. Optimum growth for most of the cell lines was observed in Eagle's minimum essential medium buffered with sodium bicarbonate (26 mM) or a combination of sodium bicarbonate (8.9 mM) and tris (16 mM). Likewise, most of the cell lines showed optimum growth at the lowest NaCl concentration tested (0.116 M). Optimum growth temperatures ranged from 15 to 20°C for the salmonid cell lines and from 15 to 30°C for nonsalmonid cell lines. Except for RTT, the cell lines...

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