Exact Asymptotic Relaxation of Pseudo-First-Order Reversible Reactions

The relaxation kinetics of the diffusion-influenced reversible reaction A+BC is studied in the pseudo-first-order limit ([B][A]) when A and C are static and the B's move independently with diffusion coefficient D. For the initial condition [A(0)]=1, [C(0)]=0, it is shown that the asymptotics of [A(t)] for t is given in d dimensions by (1+Keq[B])1+Keq2[B]/(1+Keq[B])3fdt with f1t=(πDt)1/2, f2t=(4πDt)1, and f3t=(4πDt)3/2, and where Keq is the equilibrium constant. By comparing with accurate simulations, this result is found to be exact for d=1, and we predict that it is exact for higher dimensions.