Field induced magnetic form factor of γ-Ce

In the present experiment polarized neutron scattering techniques have been used to assess the spatial distribution and temperature dependence of the magnetization induced in a single crystal of γ‐Ce by a magnetic field of 60 kG. The measured form factor is found to be in agreement with the free ion 4f magnetic form factor of Ce3+. Comparison of the localized susceptibility, obtained in the present experiment, with bulk susceptibility measurements indicate that there is a rather large positive conduction electron contribution to the static susceptibility of γ‐Ce. The localized moment is found to follow, between 300 and 115 K, a Curie‐Weiss law with a paramagnetic Curie temperature of (−44±2.5) K. The measurements indicate that at approximately 100 K some ions of the γ‐Ce crystal undergo a change in their electronic configuration.