A commercial preparation of HCG has been shown to contain 5 nonspecific antigenic substances which can give rise to antibodies in rabbits. A method for blocking the non-specific antibodies with male urine extract is described. The purified antiserum has been used for the assay of the immunological HCG-activity in 920 specimens of human urine with the haemagglutination inhibition technique. One doubtful negative reaction was found in 570 cases of pregnant women. No »false postive« reaction was found in 133 urines from healthy non pregnant women and 5 »false postive« reactions in urines from 115 women with gynaecological diseases. 100 urines from males were negative. The level of immunological activity in urine obtained with this method was lower throughout pregnancy when compared to Wide's results (1962). In cases of threatened or complete abortion and toxaemia of pregnancy, immunological activity of the urine seemed to correspond to the viability of the foetus.