Wool Fabric Stabilization by Interfacial Polymerization. Part I: Polyamides

A new technique is presented for making wool fabrics shrink resistant. Through interfacial polymerization polyamides, e.g., poly (hexamethylene sebacamide), are formed on the surface of the textile fibers. Fabric is padded consecutively through an aqueous solution of a diamine and a water-immiscible solution of a diacid chloride. Polymeriza tion is extremely rapid and no heating or curing is required. Following the two-step padding, the fabric is simply washed and dried. Less than 5% resin on the fabric is required for dimensional stability in laundering. The wool fabrics treated are essentially unchanged in hand, flexural rigidity, break strength, percent elongation, and chemical resistance; they are improved in wrinkle recovery and smoothness after tumble drying.