The Influence of Dextrin and Sucrose on Growth and Dermatitis

Comparative data from basal rations containing dextrin and sucrose, respectively, show that no dermatitis resulted when the former was used, whereas a high incidence of dermatitis resulted when sucrose served as the basal carbohydrate. Vitamin B and lactoflavin supplementing the sucrose ration did not prevent the development of dermatitis, nor did these supplements permit normal and continued growth; such supplements fed with dextrin promoted a substantial rate of growth. A concentrate prepared from rice polish cured the dermatitis occurring in the sucrose fed animals and at the same time promoted a substantial rate of growth, provided adequate amounts of vitamin B and lactoflavin were fed simultaneously. The occurrence of dermatitis was delayed and not as regular with a sucrose ration containing 10 per cent hydrogenated vegetable oil as with one containing 3 per cent of the same oil. The data as a whole would seem to indicate that the basal ration containing 69 parts of sucrose and 3 parts of hydrogenated vegetable oil is well suited for the determination of the growth-promoting properties of lactoflavin, provided that it is supplemented with adequate amounts of vitamin B and the vitamin factor or group of factors contained in the rice polish concentrate.