The effect of impurities on the recovery of cold-worked nickel

The recovery of 99·996% pure nickel deformed at low temperatures has been investigated in the range 25° to 350°c. Stage IV recovery previously reported to occur at 260°c was not observed but stage III, centred at 90°c, was found. Additions of up to 0·50 at. % iron or 0·46 at. % silicon produced only slight changes in the recovery spectrum. Addition of 0·04 at. % gold produced a very small recovery stage at about 230°c, and 0·51 at. % gold made separate recovery stages indistinguishable. Addition of 0·04 at. % carbon caused a recovery stage to appear at 260°c, and this stage increased in magnitude with increasing carbon content. The results suggest that stage IV recovery in deformed nickel could be caused by the migration of carbon atoms and the stage in which free migration of single vacancies occurs has not been positively identified.