A triethnic comparison of intracerebral hemorrhage mortality in Texas

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a significant cause of stroke death. Little is known about the relative risk of Hispanic Americans (HAs), African Americans (AAs), and non-Hispanic whites (NHWs) for ICH mortality. Based on the high prevalence of hypertension in AAs and the low prevalence of hypertension in HAs, we expected AAs to have the highest ICH mortality rates and HAs the lowest. Race/ethnic age-specific ICH mortality rates were calculated from Texas vital statistics for the years 1980 through 1995. Rate ratios (RRs) are reported with NHWs as the referent group. There were 15,042 deaths due to ICH in Texas during this time. In the 45- to 59-year age group, AAs had an RR of 4. The RR for HAs was 1.9. In the 60hyphen; to 74-year age range, AAs had an RR of 1.7 and HAs had an RR of 1.3. In the 75+ age group, the rates were similar among all three race/ethnic groups. We conclude that there is a significant interaction of age and race/ethnicity for ICH. At younger ages, AAs and HAs have the highest ICH mortality rates. Access to care and socioeconomic status may play a role in the unexpectedly high ICH mortality rates in HAs.