Fundi characterized by a limited or widespread distribution of deep yellowish or white lesions of various size and configuration without vascular and optic nerve abnormalities or pigment migration have been described under several diagnoses. These have included Hutchinson-Tay choroiditis,1 macular degeneration of Holthouse-Batten,2,3 Doyne's honeycombed degeneration,4 malattia Levantinese,5 fundus flavimaculatus,6 fundus albipunctatus (stationary form of retinitis punctata albescens),7 the speckled multicolored fundus,8 the fleck retina9 and a general category in which the deposits are called colloid bodies or drusen and are either widespread or limited to the posterior polar region.6 Such ophthalmoscopic findings have also been described in some cases classified as hereditary macular degenerations. There are, however, only three characteristic fundi among all of these conditions, despite the multiple appellations. One type is seen only in fundus albipunctatus. In this condition there are white or yellow-white uniform dot-like lesions over