Hydrogen and electricity from water and light

Four self‐driven photoelectrochemical hydrogen producers: n‐TiO2/p‐CdTe, n‐TiO2/p‐GaP, n‐SrTiO3/p‐CdTe and n‐SrTiO3/p‐GaP were constructed and examined in 1 M NaOH. the current‐potential curves of the individual electrodes and the current‐cell voltage relationships were measured. Cell current‐density measurements versus time demonstrated that the output of each cell is stable for at least 12 h. the n‐SrTiO3/p‐GaP cell under xenon light irradiation was the most efficient at 0·7 per cent. the n‐TiO2/p‐GaP cell was estimated as the most efficient under solar light at 0·1 per cent. the stability of p‐CdTe and its energy gap of 1·5 eV make it a prospect for use as a photocathode in future photoelectrochemical hydrogen producers.