But few cases of definite subacute bacterial endocarditis associated with brain abscess have been reported. Zolotowa1recently described a case with purulent meningo-encephalitis. Kimmelsteil,2in an excellent article on the subject, reports several cases with brain abscesses of very minute or microscopic size. Nathan3reports a case with microscopic brain abscesses. Winkelman and Eckel4cite a case with multiple small brain abscesses. Nadler and Herndon5report a case with a pea-sized purulent area in the internal capsule. Gilmore6observed a case with two brain abscesses, each about one-half inch in diameter.7Dr. Emanuel Libman, who has seen probably more cases of subacute bacterial endocarditis than any one else in America, advises us that he has never observed a case with a brain abscess.8 Because of the rarity of the occurrence of brain abscess in subacute bacterial endocarditis, and because in most cases