Which Population-Based Interventions Would Motivate Smokers to Think Seriously about Stopping Smoking?

Objective.: To describe what smokers say about the impact of different population-based interventions to motivate them to think seriously about stopping smoking. Methods.: A random-digit dialed cross-sectional telephone survey of adult current cigarette smokers was conducted in Erie and Niagara counties, New York, in October through November 2002. A total of 815 smokers were asked which of eight interventions would motivate them to think seriously about stopping smoking in the next 6 months. Results.: The offer of free nicotine patches/gum (53%) and cash incentives (49%) were the most frequently mentioned interventions that smokers said would get them to think seriously about stopping smoking. The degree of motivation to stop smoking was the most consistent and strongest predictor of how respondents answered the question about the influence of the various intervention options. Conclusion.: Communities need to offer a wide array of interventions that are likely to appeal to different subgroups of smokers in order to have a population-wide impact on smoking behavior.