Temperature dependence of the magnetization of superlattices with variable interlayer magnetic couplings

A Heisenberg model is solved for the coupling of two-dimensional ferromagnetic layers separated by nonmagnetic spacer layers in a superlattice configuration. The cases of noncoupling, and ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interlayer couplings, are solved for the temperature dependence of the magnetization at low temperature; the results yield linear, T3/2 and T2 power laws, respectively. Experimental realization of the coupling cases was then sought. Three sputtered Fe/Cr superlattices with 10 Å Fe layers and Cr-layer thicknesses of 100, 20, and 10 Å were chosen to span the three cases, respectively. Superconducting-quantum-interference-device magnetometry yields linear and T3/2 behavior for the first two cases. Mössbauer spectroscopy in zero field indicates an approximately T2 behavior for the antiferromagnetically coupled sample. The results are discussed and related to recent magnetotransport work.