The Prognostic Value of DNA Ploidy Combined with Histologic Substaging for Incidental Carcinoma of the Prostate Gland

Although current methods of histologic substaging for incidental prostatic carcinoma are useful, they offer only general indications of potential tumor behavior. To further define the biologic tendencies of stage A cancers, an examination was made of the role of DNA ploidy combined with histologic staging in archival material selected to achieve both a representative sample and long-term follow-up. With histology alone, 36% of stage A2 cancers and 9% of A1 neoplasms were progressive. Adding DNA flow cytometry to histology resulted in a significant improvement in the capacity of pathologic evaluation to predict outcome. Progression occurred in 67% of aneuploid stage A2 prostate cancers and in none of the nonaneuploid stage Al tumors. Despite current limitations in the interpretation of DNA histograms from archival tissue, flow cytometry has significant potential in the pathologic evaluation of incidental prostatic carcinomas.