An almost-Markovian Galilean-invariant turbulence model

A model equation of Langevin type for the turbulent velocity field is constructed, in which the non-linear terms of the Navier–Stokes equation are replaced by a dynamical damping term and a random forcing term, with strength parameters determined by the past history of the energy spectrum. The model leads to a closed set of first-order differential equations in time for the evolution of two functions: the energy spectrum and the effective memory times for the interaction of mode triads. Invariance of the energy transfer to random Galilean transformation is achieved by using the interaction between solenoidal and compressive parts of a convected test field to determine the memory–time functions. The model equation is developed from the direct-interaction approximation as starting-point. At an intermediate stage, before the Galilean invariance is introduced, a model representation of Edwards's (1964) theory is obtained which extends the latter to statistically non-stationary states.

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