Λπ−Production fromK−Interactions in Helium

Results are presented of a bubble-chamber study of the interaction of negative kaons with helium yielding Λπ or Σ0π in the final state. Both low-momentum kaons and kaons at rest were used. In the at-rest sample, the two-step process KNΣπ followed by ΣNΛN accounts for (18±2)% of the ΛπHe3 final state. Removing these ΣΛ conversion events, on the basis of the pion kinetic energy, gives spectra that are compared with an impulse model. A good fit to the data is obtained by using a Hulthén form factor, a mixture of atomic-orbital-capture states with (71±9)% s state and (29±9)% p state. For this fit, the S-wave K¯N amplitude determined by Kim is used, and the P-wave amplitude is assumed to be dominated by the Y*(1385) with the coupling to K¯N given by SU(3) symmetry. The same final state initiated by kaons in flight shows a good agreement with the predictions of the impulse model. No evidence is seen for a recently reported enhancement in the Λπ system at 1440 MeV. The Λπpd final state is found to be dominated by the ΣΛ conversion process. Stopping-K-reaction branching ratios and cross sections are calculated and compared with impulse-model predictions. No evidence is found for a Λn bound state, and an upper limit for its production is 5×104 per stopping K.