Effects of tonic vagal input on breathing pattern in newborn rabbits

Respiratory effects of positive and negative pressure breathing were studied in 1- and 4-day-old rabbit pups anesthetized with ketamine (50 mg/kg, im) and acepromazine (3 mg/kg, im). We recorded tidal volume (VT), tracheal pressure (Ptr), and integrated diaphragmatic EMG (DiEMG). Inspiratory (TI) and expiratory time (TE) were measured from the records of DiEMG. During breathing with increased Ptr by 1 or 2 cmH2O, VT, minute ventilation (VE), and respiratory rate (f) decreased. Changes in f relied on a TE prolongation. Neither DiEMG nor its rate of rise (DiEMGt) were affected. Except for VT decrease during positive Ptr, all other effects disappeared after vagotomy. Our results indicate that an increase in tonic vagal activity interacts with the mechanisms controlling TE and has no effect on depth and duration of inspiration. When Ptr decreased by 1 and 2 cmH2O, VE increased due to an increase in f. Increase in f relied on shortening of both TI and TE; the TE effect being more pronounced. DiEMG and DiEMGt also increased. Adverse effects of lung deflation and vagotomy strongly suggest that the respiratory reflex stimulation due to decrease in Ptr does not rely on inhibition of the slowly adapting stretch receptor activity. Therefore other excitatory vagal inputs must be responsible for this response. We propose two vagally mediated inputs: the irritant and/or the cardiac receptors.