Alphafoetoprotein uptake by cloned cell lines derived from a nickel-induced rat rhabdomyosarcoma

Rat, mouse, pig and chicken alphafoetoproteins (AFP), rat serum albumin and egg albumin, or their fluoresceinated conjugates were added to cultures of several cloned cell lines isolated from a nickel-induced rat rhabdomyosarcoma. The intracellular uptake of assayed proteins was revealed by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique and/or by direct fluorescence microscopy. All the clones examined bound AFP, and all but one internalized the protein. The protein localized in the membrane and the cytoplasm, as well as along straight processes interconnecting cells. Nuclei were always AFP negative. The protein uptake of fluoresceinated conjugates of AFP and serumalbumin was already visible 15 min after incubation and progressed with time to reach a plateau 4-5 h later. Ultrastructural radioautographs of cells incubated with [3H]-AFP (rat) showed protein accumulation in several organelles and particularly in lipid droplets. Parallel to these observations, the intracellular presence of AFP within myofibrillar structures was demonstrated in tongue sections of rat foetuses and neonates. The results presented here provide experimental evidence of the reappearance in cloned cell lines derived from a primary rhabdomyosarcoma of a property pertaining to foetal striated muscle.