Hydatid disease affecting the vertebrae

Six cases of hydatid disease affecting the vertebrae are described. Four patients presented with paraparesis and sphincter disturbances while the other two presented with low back pain and sciatica. Myelographic findings were positive in all six patients. The CT scans showed a paravertebral mass with destruction of bone in two cases. The nuclear magnetic resonance performed in one patient showed the exact extent of the disease all along the spine. Posterior laminectomy with decompression of the spinal cord and removal of the hydatid cysts was performed in all six patients. After the operation four patients received oral treatment with mebendazole. The patients with paraparesis showed little improvement of their neurological status. The two patients with low back pain and sciatica showed marked improvement. Hydatid disease affecting the vertebrae presents with neurological complications due to cord compression. The prognosis remains poor in spite of laminectomy, although removal of the hydatid cysts and long-term mebendazole medication may result in relief of symptoms.