Inheritance of Seed Yield and its Components in a Six-Parent Diallel Cross in Peas1

Pea seed yield (W) and its components—pods per plant (X), seeds per pod (Y), and average seed weight (Z)—and also seeds per plant were found to be controlled by an additive genetic system, on the average. The existence of some departure from additivity was indicated by deviation of the F1 from the midparent, especially for X, W, and seeds per plant. This deviation was more likely due to epistasis or linkage than to dominance. Specific Heterosis (specific combining ability) was important for all components, while Variety Heterosis (general combining) was important only for Y and Z. Estimates of heritability were high, ranging from .38 for seeds per plant to .65 for Z. Yield was found to be closely related to X, Y, and Z in descending order. Pods per plant (X) probably is a good selection index for dry seed yield in the pea.