Formation of hepatic lymph

Samples of hepatic lymph collected from isolated perfused rat livers or from livers of whole rats, during continuous infusion of BSP, showed two types of response with respect to content of BSP. One of these was characterized by lymph BSP concentrations below those in blood plasma, and a chromatographic composition of lymph BSP different from that in both plasma and bile. In the other response BSP concentrations in lymph were grossly higher than those in plasma, and the chromatographic composition of the BSP was identical with that in bile. The second response was observed whenever bile flow was deliberately arrested, but it also occurred when bile was apparently flowing freely, suggesting that a type of nonobstructive, nonhemolytic jaundice could exist, based on failure of labile mechanisms which normally prevent diffusion of biliary substances into the extracellular space. The chromatographic composition of the BSP in responses of the first type suggests that part of the BSP in hepatic lymph normally arises from the hepatic cells, rather than from either the blood plasma or the bile.

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