Right ventricular mass estimation by angioechocardiography

A combined angiocardiographic-echocardiographic method for estimating right ventricular wall mass is described. Biplane cineangiocardiograms are analyzed for ventricular volume in end-diastole, and wall thickness is determined from echocardiograms obtained with a high frequency transducer and strip chart recorder. The intracavitary and the external surface volumes of the ventricle are derived, and the difference multiplied by 1.050, the specific gravity of myocardium. Excellent correlation was observed between right ventricular wall mass and body surface area in normal children (r = 0.93). The mean right ventricular mass was 44.5 g/M2 as compared to 78.1 g/M2 for the left ventricle; corresponding mass/EDV values were 0.48 g/cm3 and 1.26 g/cm3, respectively. In isolated right ventricular pressure overload, the increase in right ventricular mass is chiefly due to the increase in wall thickness; in volume overload, it is due mostly to the increase in chamber volume.