Immunofluorescence Microphotometry for the Detection of Platelet Antibodies

After a survey of the literature dealing with the demonstration of platelet autoantibodies by immunofluorescence techniques, the results are given of a study in which immunofluorescence microphotometry was used for this purpose. The serum of 58, the platelets of 34, and the megakaryocytes of 2 patients with thrombocytopenia were investigated. In 21 of 52 sera (40%) in which the presence of platelet autoantibodies could be expected, positive results were obtained that could not be due to isoantibodies, either because the patients had not been pregnant and had not received blood transfusions or because the reactivity of the serum with the patient's own platelets was demonstrated. The platelets of 28 patients with thrombocytopenia not due to a platelet defect or decreased thrombopoiesis were investigated. In the platelets of 15 (54%) of these, significant differences in fluorescence were found with anti-immunoglobulin conjugate as well as with anti-IgG, -IgA, -IgM, or -complement reagents. It was concluded that in these patients in vivo sensitization of the platelets with autoantibody was demonstrated. In two patients an indication of the in vivo sensitization of the megakaryocytes was also obtained.