hijing: A Monte Carlo model for multiple jet production inpp,pA, andAAcollisions

Combining perturbative-QCD inspired models for multiple jet production with low pT multistring phenomenology, we develop a Monte Carlo event generator hijing to study jet and multiparticle production in high energy pp, pA, and AA collisions. The model includes multiple minijet production, nuclear shadowing of parton distribution functions, and a schematic mechanism of jet interactions in dense matter. Glauber geometry for multiple collisions is used to calculate pA and AA collisions. The phenomenological parameters are adjusted to reproduce essential features of pp multiparticle production data for a wide energy range (s=52000 GeV). Illustrative tests of the model on p+A and light-ion B+A data at s=20 GeV/nucleon and predictions for Au+Au at energies of the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (s=200 GeV/nucleon) are given.