Pedicle Screw Placement Using Image Guided Techniques

Clinical evaluation of a computer assisted spine surgical system is presented. Eighty pedicle screws were inserted using computer assisted technology in thoracic and lumbar vertebrae for treatment of different types of disorders including fractures, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis. Fifty-two patients with severe fractures, spondylolisthesis, or pseudoarthrosis of T10 to L5 were treated using a computer assisted technique on ½ the patients and performing the screw insertion manually for the other ½. At the same time, 28 pedicle screws were inserted in T12 to L4 vertebrae for scoliosis with the help of the computer assisted technique. Surgery was followed in all cases (66 vertebrae; 132 pedicle screws) by postoperative radiographs and computed tomographic examination, on which measurements of screw position relative to pedicle position could be done. For fractures, spondylolisthesis, or pseudarthrosis, comparison between the two groups showed that four screws in 52 (8%) vertebrae had incorrect placement with computer assisted technique whereas 22 screws in 52 (42%) vertebrae had incorrect placement with manual insertion. In patients with scoliosis, four screws in 28(14%) vertebrae had incorrect placement. In all of the patients (132 pedicle screws) there were no neurologic complications. These results show that a computer assisted technique is much more accurate and safe than manual insertion.