An earlier study of quantum-mechanical time has suggested that, from the quantum-theoretic point of view, time is a random variable. The present work explores how such a description of time can be used to bring greater detail into the analysis of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Specifically, the classical equations for harmonic motion are used as a point transformation between phase space and time-energy space, permitting probability distributions in the two spaces to be different representations of the same thing. The familiar energy-quantization hypothesis is supplemented with the hypothesis that quantized energy values are means (averages) of energy distributions characteristic of each energy state. With the probability distribution of time determined from the previously cited study, the desired quantized energy distributions follow from the requirements: (1) that they should be normalized, non-negative, and with means equal to the quantized energy values; (2) that the equivalent representation of distribution in position-momentum space should have marginal densities that are proportional (except near the origin) to the densities in position and momentum, |ϕ(q)|2 and |ψ(p)|2, which are postulated in quantum theory. Requirement (2) is a weakening of the Born postulate. In the time-energy space, the probability distributions exclude energies smaller than the mode (energy value with maximum probability). In position-momentum space this exclusion requirement becomes the dynamical restriction: q2mω22+p22mΛnω2, where, for the first three energy states, Λ0=0, Λ1=32, Λ2=2+32. In general terms it is thus shown that the quantized harmonic oscillator can be described as a statistical ensemble of classical oscillators. Some comparisons with work on phase-space formulations of quantum mechanics (especially with the work of Wigner) are made and some aspects of the theory that should submit to experimental verification are pointed out.

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