Monocyte tumoricidal activity and tumor necrosis factor production in patients with malignant brain tumors

Monocyte-mediated tumoricidal activity, tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) secretion and gene expression were examined in astrocytoma patients, patients with other types of brain tumors (primary or metastatic), and normal individuals. The spontaneous monocyte-mediated tumoricidal activity of either patient group against an astrocytoma cell line was significantly greater than normal. There was no difference between patient groups. When monocytes were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide in vitro, tumoricidal activity increased in all patient groups. Patient monocyte activity tested shortly (48 h) after surgery was not different from that before surgery. Both spontaneous and stimulated monocyte cytocidal activities were tumor-cell-restricted: melanoma and astrocytoma cells were equally susceptible but non-neoplastic glial cells were not affected. Examination of monocyte TNFα secretion and mRNA expression indicated that patient activity was comparable to or greater than normal. These results demonstrate that, despite steroid therapy, circulating monocytes in astrocytoma and other brain tumor patients retain intact functional activity.