Soft gluon resummation effects in single slepton production at hadron colliders

We investigate QCD effects in the production of a single slepton at hadron colliders in the minimal supersymmetric standard model without R parity. We calculate the total cross sections and the transverse momentum distributions at next-to-leading order in QCD. The next-to-leading-order corrections enhance the total cross sections and decrease the dependence of the total cross sections on the factorization and renormalization scales. For the differential cross sections, we resum all-order soft gluon effects to give reliable predictions for the transverse momentum distributions. We also compare two approaches to the nonperturbative parametrization and found that the results are slightly different at the Tevatron and are in good agreement at the Large Hadron Collider. Our results can be useful to the simulation of the events and to the future collider experiments.