Quick Test Validation Study and Examination of Form Equivalency

Two groups (organic and functional) of 32 patients each, seen at the Wilford Hall USAF Hospital, Psychology Service, were given both the Quick Test and the full WAIS. Correlations between each form of the Quick Test and both scaled scores and IQs on the WAIS were obtained. The correlations suggest that the QT and the Verbal section of the WAIS tap similar abilities. Further, the QT possesses sufficient relationship to the WAIS Full Scale IQ to justify its use as a brief screening device as a measurement of general intelligence. Regression analyses indicated that no significant gain in predictive validity is obtained by the administration of all forms of the QT and that for functional and mixed groups Form 2 of the QT is the best predictor of WAIS Full Scale IQs. Some data which question the form equivalence of the QT are presented.