A comparative linkage map of oilseed rape and its use for QTL analysis of seed oil and erucic acid content

We have developed a new DH mapping population for oilseed rape, named TNDH, using genetically and phenotypically diverse parental lines. We used the population in the construction of a high stringency genetic linkage map, consisting of 277 loci, for use in quantitative genetic analysis. A proportion of the markers had been used previously in the construction of linkage maps for Brassica species, thus permitting the alignment of maps. The map includes 68 newly developed Sequence Tagged Site (STS) markers targeted to the homologues of defined genes of A. thaliana. The use of these markers permits the alignment of our linkage map with the A. thaliana genome sequence. An additional 74 loci (31 newly developed STS markers and 43 loci defined by SSR and RFLP markers that had previously been used in published linkage maps) were added to the map. These markers increased the resolution of alignment of the newly constructed linkage map with existing Brassica linkage maps and the A. thaliana genome sequence. We conducted field trials with the TNDH population at two sites, and over 2 years, and identified reproducible QTL for seed oil content and erucic acid content. The results provide new insights into the genetic control of seed oil and erucic acid content in oilseed rape, and demonstrate the utility of the linkage map and population.